‘I Want To Improve My English, What Can I Do?’ – Here Are 8 Things You Can Do Today

Photo by Nothing Ahead

If you’re sitting at home thinking ‘I want to improve my English now’, you’ve come to the right place. We know English isn’t the most straightforward language to deal with – there are so many subtle sounds, spellings, and rules that can completely change the meaning of a word. 

Similar to someone looking to build muscle, the first step is signing up at a gym. So by simply reading this, you’re already on the right track and can pat yourself on the back. Now, it’s time to think about your goals: do you want to improve your reading, writing, listening, or speaking skills? Or, maybe it’s all four?

Whatever you’re looking to learn, all you’ll need is a bit of motivation and these tips to cross the bridge from fearing English to fluent English. 

I Want To Improve My English Reading 

Improving in English is all about input and output; input involves lots of reading and listening, while output is all about speaking and writing. The ideal first step for beginners is to start reading. A lot. 

Reading is a process that can take time to develop, your mind has to attach meaning to words, phrases and expressions. So why not make the process a bit easier for yourself? Instead of boring texts and books, try this:

Start simple

You’re setting yourself up to fail if the first book you reach for in your English journey is Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings saga. 

Instead, start with blogs or articles on topics you like – they could be about your favourite musician or even highlights from a football game. You can also try comic books (Archie is a good one!) as the images will help you understand the words. 

Change the language on your device to English 

With all the time we spend on our devices, imagine if it was all in the language you’re trying to learn? Although a bit drastic, changing the language in your settings will help you connect functions with specific words – ultimately, improving your vocabulary.

If you’re game to take the leap, go to the operating system of your mobile phone, computer, or tablet and make the switch to English.

Photo by Sean Kong

I Want To Improve My English Writing

Writing can be scary to most. Not only is it tough, but you’re most likely writing in a stressful (read: not fun) situation like in an exam or as homework. 

To improve your English writing skills, the first step is to learn to like it. Here’s how:

Write like no one is reading 

Whether it’s a daily journal or an essay about your adorable pet cat, writing becomes much easier when you enjoy the topic you’re writing about. 

The process of writing down your thoughts will help you learn how to articulate and structure what’s on your mind. You could write about anything – even an essay titled ‘Why I Want To Improve My English’. No matter the topic, just keep practising by writing about your passions and interests.

Get commenting

As you’re reading blogs (mentioned in tip #1), try to think about how that piece has made you feel. Once you’ve gathered your thoughts, leave them a comment. 

Seen something you like on social media? Leave another comment. You don’t have to be an expert to write a few short sentences about what your thoughts are on a piece of content. This also opens the doors to a text exchange with an English speaker in a low-stress situation.

I Want To Improve My English Listening

Listening can be tricky because people may talk too fast, have an unfamiliar accent, or use slang words. All these factors can leave us with a giant question mark across our faces. 

This is why it is so important to master your listening skills! You should listen actively (i.e. listening to not only what is said, but how it is said) to:

The radio 

Considering Malaysians spend so much time sitting in traffic, why not use this time to improve your listening skills? 

The next time you’re in the car and thinking ‘I want to improve my English’, tune in to English radio stations like Mix FM or Fly FM and pay attention to how the radio hosts converse. Beyond this, listening to English music (and really listening to the lyrics) will help too!

Your favourite movies & TV shows

You’ve probably watched something on Netflix with the subtitles on – which is great for beginners!  But to truly improve your listening skills, switch off the subtitles and try to understand the show. 

Although you may not always be able to actively listen, your ears are adjusting to the sounds of the language. 

Photo by Wes Hicks

I Want To Improve My English Speaking

Speaking is usually the most feared out of the four language skills. We have 26 letters, 44 sounds, and lots of other odds and ends that influence the English language. In other words, it’s difficult. 

But thankfully, it’s easier than ever to improve your speaking skills (and ultimately, for beginners to improve English conversation skills), thanks to technology!

Hello, voice activation

From your smartphones to your blank Microsoft Word documents, voice-activated assistants are everywhere. ​​These assistants are a great tool to improve your speaking skills as they won’t respond unless you pronounce words clearly and correctly. 

Ready to give it a go? Make your way to a free Google Doc and use the ‘voice typing’ option under tools. Try introducing yourself or talking about your day, then check if Google has understood you and turned the right words into text. 

Translate everything, all the time

Whether you’ve seen a flyer in Mandarin as you walk down the street or read a Malay billboard as you’re in a car, translate it to English. Try translating it, say it out loud, and then double-check that you are correct. 

Research shows that it helps to try associating the words you have translated with a clear image or feeling. Practising this technique often enough will allow you to stop translating in your head and think in English.


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